Is back pain increasing due to continuous sitting in the workplace?

Leston’s neck is in severe pain. Because of the heavy workload at the office yesterday, I had trouble sleeping. He endured the pain in silence, thinking that it would heal with a little rest! But the pain spreads beyond the neck to the back, shoulders, and hands. This time Leston rushed to the doctor, unable to relieve the pain. The doctor told him that due to long hours of continuous computer work in the office, he had problems with his neck muscles. But you can’t leave work and sit at home! So the way? Many like Leston are facing this problem. If you follow some simple rules while working continuously in the workplace, you will not have to suffer from such pain. Let us know from the Physiotherapy Consultant and Gerontologist what to do to get relief from this problem easily.

Chronic neck and back pain:
According to the research of Harvard Medical Center, long-term neck and back pain can reduce people’s work efficiency, reduce memory, and cause mood swings. Pain also causes sleep problems. The office’s work is disrupted for these reasons, and many people hesitate to make the right choice at the right time. The majority of a working person’s day is spent in an office chair. The health of your spine depends on this sitting chair.

Continuous sitting work in the workplace and proper chair selection:
Nowadays most people go to the doctor with back pain and spine problems of various kinds. Many may not know that only his sitting chair is responsible for these spinal problems. Let’s find out what harm can only one chair cause us and what is the way to get rid of this problem. Three factors are attributed as the main causes of pain due to office work-

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*Working at the table while sitting on the chair and leaning the body forward.
*Talking on the phone with the neck bent.
* No body movement for a long time (while working).

A few things to keep in mind:

1. If the chair does not support the spine, the muscles become tense; As a result of which the pain in the neck and back starts.

2. If the height of the chair is not balanced with the office table, it becomes difficult to work. For example, there may be pain in the wrist.

3. If you do a lot of typing/work on the computer, you should choose a chair that provides hand support.

4. Office chairs should be spacious and comfortable.

5. While selecting the chair, check whether the neck support is available.

6. If you cannot sit in the right chair while working continuously in the workplace, work progress is hindered. That’s why a suitable and healthy chair plays a huge role in maintaining focus at work.

How to choose the right chair?
First, check if the chair is suitable for your height. The height of the sitting seat should be coordinated with the table. Notice if the feet are touching the floor. Also, check if the chair feels comfortable after sitting. The chair should have handles, the armrest should be comfortable. The shoulders should not sag after placing the hands. A few more things are important to note. For example-

1) Notice how your back is adjusted to the chair, whether the spine is straight or not. The back side is padded making it comfortable to sit on. Such chairs are good for sitting for long periods.

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2) Back support should be ensured. The spine is straight when the lower back is against the chair. It is advisable to have a wide seat in the chair to reduce back pain. The ideal width of the chair seat is 17-20 inches. The back support and width of the seat should be taken care of to ensure a healthy chair.

3) If you are working on a computer/laptop, then after sitting on the chair you should also check if the eye level is correct. The laptop/computer should be kept in such a way that the neck does not have to be lowered while working.

4) One type of chair is required for each job. Select the chair according to your work area. Choose the right chair while sitting not only at the office but also at home. It will get rid of all spine problems including back pain.

Ways to get rid of:
Neither sitting nor lying down continuously is good for the spine. Those who work sitting for a long time should take a little walk every 30 minutes. Spread your arms and legs while working continuously in the workplace to break the tension. This will remove the stiffness of the spine and the pressure on the spine due to continuous sitting can also be reduced a lot. If neck and back pain persists for more than three months, it becomes a long-term permanent condition. So it should be treated in the early stage.

Check out the solutions at a glance –

* Selecting the right chair.
* Ensuring back support.
* Walking a little between continuous work.
* Break the barrier between working.
* Keeping the eye level with the laptop or PC screen after sitting in the chair.

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Sitting continuously in the workplace can cause physical discomfort, it is very normal. You must pay attention to your health. Remember calcium-rich food sources for your eating routine. Yoga or exercise at the start of the day. Use the stairwell rather than the lift in the workplace. Being fit is not difficult. Until today, everyone stays healthy.

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