In the 21st 100 years, individuals focus on a solid way of life even in the centre of a bustling life, becoming aware of wellness. Changes are coming to the diet. Currently, we promote it as a hashtag new trend on social media. Everyone remembers the keto diet. There was a time when this diet plan was becoming quite popular.
Regarding that trend, 30-30-30 rules for a healthy lifestyle are becoming popular. This is an excellent concept for weight control and physical and mental health. Today’s feature is about new trends in weight loss.
New trends in weight loss:
What is the 30-30-30 method?
This concept is made by combining three rules. These are cutting 30 per cent of calories from the daily diet, 30 minutes of exercise and 30 minutes of mental relaxation. It’s interesting. Let’s know the details.
1) Reduce 30 per cent of calories from the food chart:
When you think your lifestyle is wrong, fried or non-nutritious food is in your daily food chart. It is essential to change this routine! It would help if you first determined the body mass index and calorie count to change this habit. Body mass index is the ratio of height to weight or how much you are over/under. Accordingly, you will know how much calories you are taking or how much you should reduce. If your caloric intake is higher than what you eat regularly, reduce it first. Reduce by 30 per cent. That is, if the daily intake is 3000 calories, then bring it to 2100.
So, what should be kept in the diet chart?
Fewer carbohydrates, more protein and fruits, as well as adequate water. If you can cut out sugary foods, fried foods, excess rice, and unhealthy foods, a 30 per cent reduction won’t seem too difficult. So make a proper diet chart and keep an idea of the calories of different foods.
Sometimes, we have the idea that if we eat less, then why do we gain weight? For example, eating 3 cups instead of 1 cup of rice. If you go to a restaurant and eat a burger, you already consume about 600 calories. Then there are other foods and cold drinks. Even if you eat a small amount, you consume high calories.
Again, when we go on a diet, we often eat foods that we don’t even realize cause weight gain instead of weight loss. And everyone’s body mass index or metabolism is different. So it is not true that eating the same diet that another person has lost weight by following a diet chart will also make you lose weight. You can consult with a nutritionist and maintain your food habits if necessary.
Follow the rules:
Giving up on cutting calories after a few days will never do you any good. It is foolish to expect that starting a diet plan will result in weight loss in 1 week or overnight results. Imagine you last had healthy food habits a few years ago. But you will lose weight quickly by changing the whole habit in 7 days. Is that possible? No! So be patient and proceed with the rules.
2) Exercising for 30 minutes:
Put away 30 minutes per day for workouts. Regardless of whether you shed pounds, on the off chance that you don’t keep your body moving, your body will steadily debilitate. Then, it becomes difficult to do small tasks and climb 3/4 floor stairs. Food does not want to be adequately digested, Alsemia occurs, and the brain does not work correctly.
Try to walk for 30 minutes in the morning. If you don’t want to go out, do freehand exercise on the yoga mat for 30 minutes. Do aerobic exercise, Zumba dance, yoga, whatever is convenient. You can walk for 30 minutes on your way back from the office.
3) 30 minutes of mental relaxation:
The above two rules will work if you apply this third rule in daily life. The first two steps are easy to follow, but peace of mind is less important. If you are not mentally fit, different problems occur in the body. Excess stress leads to weight gain and food cravings. Do you know?
You can meditate to reduce stress. Music can also be an effective stress reliever for many. Spending time with family, doing small hobbies, and engaging in creative activities – can bring peace of mind. And if nothing can be done alone, sit quietly for 30 minutes. We are so addicted to smartphones all day that we don’t want to be without a phone for 30 minutes! Continuous screen time affects brain development and disrupts sleep. Reducing phone addiction is very important for a stress-free, healthy lifestyle. A healthy body requires a healthy mind; don’t forget it!
Those who did not know about the new trend of weight loss, the ’30-30-30 method,’ also got a clear idea today. Living healthy is necessary not only for yourself but also for the people around you. Because if you can’t stay well, you can’t keep others well either! Any physical problem should be consulted with a doctor. So that’s it for today. stay well